Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hello 2013 ~ a little late is better than never

2013 will not be about a “resolutions” because I realized they usually don’t stick. I tried last year and although I did keep several, “PROMISES” have a deeper meaning to me.

My 2013 New Years Promise - “To place God first in every aspect of my life with complete and total surrender.”

In allowing him to lead my life, EVERYTHING else will fall into place, as he sees fitting.

~ I will love others with all my heart; be of service to ones in need; forgive when it feels impossible; be humble in what I do, be an example through my actions and words and serve HIM.~

Since my new life began I've concluded that -
2010 was about second chances and removing negativity from my life. 2011 was discovering the things I needed to help me begin my journey into 2012; which was about healing and evolving into a healthier (emotionally and spiritually) me. It was also the year I realized I needed to depend on something more than just “me”.

I began a life recovery program. It is teaching me self-love, forgiveness to myself and others, accountability and awareness. Because of this, I’m re-kindling deeper and more genuine relationships with my children, family, friends, partner but most importantly - GOD.

I’m overly excited to see what 2013 has in store for me, and I can’t wait to share my journey and how God work in and through me. ~ Happy New Year ~ Make it a count!